Thursday, December 20, 2012

Governor urges moment of reflection for Sandy Hook victims

As so many of our readers play such a vital role in working with children, families, mental health matters, conflict resolution, community connectedness, and so many more areas of compassion, please join us in this time of reflection for Newtown, Connecticut.

Governor urges moment of reflection for Sandy Hook victims

INDIANAPOLIS (December 20, 2012) – At the request of Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy, Governor Mitch Daniels is urging Hoosiers to pause for a moment of reflection Friday at 9:30 a.m. (local time) to remember the victims of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Malloy has issued a proclamation declaring Friday as a Day of Mourning in Connecticut. He also sent letters to all other governors inviting them to ask their citizens to participate by taking a moment to honor the Sandy Hook children and educators.

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