Thursday, May 17, 2012

Indiana LeaderCorps members finish strong

LeaderCorps members took part in their last official meeting of the year at Second Helpings in Indianapolis on May 15, 2012. Second Helpings is an Indianapolis based non-profit community kitchen specializing in food rescue, fighting hunger and culinary job training.

As an action-driven "thank you" to Second Helpings for hosting their meeting, LeaderCorps members organized a pasta drive. They collected 350 pounds of pasta which they gathered at their service locations. Officials at Second Helpings indicated that this would make around 528 meals for individuals in the Indianapolis area.

(Read more after the jump)

Pictured above: Program Director Advisor, Erin Reuland, and LeaderCorps member, Derek Andrews (AIHTI) are shown putting their creative powers to work as they illustrated and shared about their experience. Members collaborated, sharing what they learned, who they worked with, and how it prepared them for the future.
The LeaderCorps members participated in training on resume and job search best practices.  They were able to reflect on the year they have given in volunteering through LeaderCorps while commissioned as Indiana AmeriCorps members. 

LeaderCorps is a professional development program for Indiana AmeriCorps members.  These members volunteer their time in effort to train and develop themselves as leaders for their communities.  They coordinate service projects, give outreach presentations on AmeriCorps to the community, act as leaders for their programs and fellow AmeriCorps members, and they are liaisons for the OFBCI and the AmeriCorps programs and members.

Examples of projects the members have been involved in coordinating during the 2011 – 2012 program year include: 
  • ·         Building accessible gardening structures for a preschool
  • ·         Putting together care packages for military service members
  • ·         Organizing a county-wide safety and awareness fair
  • ·         Coordinating with a university food drive to benefit the community
  • ·         Teaching children about service and having them write letters to military service members
  • ·         Educating children on poverty, health, and lack of clean water in some areas of the world
  • ·         Outreach to individuals with disabilities regarding AmeriCorps in Indiana

Readers may check out Second Helpings by visiting You may also learn more about LeaderCorps here:

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