Monday, April 30, 2012

Jessica Goebel - AmeriCorps Alum

Jessica Goebel currently is completing the Masters of Social Work program at the University of Southern Indiana (USI).  However, it wasn’t long ago she was serving her 900 hour AmeriCorps position through the USI AmeriCorps Tutors (USI ACT) program with Carver Community Center’s after-school program.  Carver’s after-school program serves inner-city students in the Evansville, IN area.  When asked how AmeriCorps had impacted her life she responded, “My AmeriCorps service taught me a lot in many different areas.  Most importantly, I learned how much diversity was within our community, and how to assist individuals who had different lifestyles than myself.”  Jessica feels her AmeriCorps term was able to help her gain practical experience for her future career by exposing her to diversity and having the opportunity to meet the individuals she serves on their level (a big aspect in social work).

When Jessica was asked about what AmeriCorps is doing within her community she mentions how AmeriCorps members are serving a wide variety of people.  From students to adults, serving as mentors and tutors, to assisting individuals gain their GED’s.  Jessica stated “AmeriCorps members are serving as positive influences in the lives of others while helping them with different aspects of their lives.”  The area being impacted the most from the service of AmeriCorps members within the Evansville, IN community is definitely education.

AmeriCorps has changed Jessica’s perspective in many ways. Since she was exposed to diversity during her term of service she feels better prepared and more aware to serve her future clients in the field of Social Work.  Also, Jessica mentions how helpful the required training opportunities were to her.  She says the trainings not only aided her in learning better ways and techniques to serve the students she assists, but also information she will be able to utilize in other aspects of life.  Overall, Jessica enjoyed her term of service as an AmeriCorps member and enjoys seeing the change and lasting affects on her community.  

Story written by Sabrina Smith - Indiana AmeriCorps LeaderCorps member and current USI ACT program member.  

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