Monday, March 26, 2012


AmeriCorps Improving Health Throughout Indiana (AIHTI)
@ Stepping Stones, Inc. 

My name is Derek Andrews and I am doing my AmeriCorps term through the AmeriCorps Improving Health Throughout Indiana program. I serve at Stepping Stones Inc., which provides transitional housing and supportive services to youth ages 16 to 20 experiencing homelessness. 

As the AmeriCorps Health Coordinator, I have the honor of serving directly with the residents in efforts of improving their levels of physical education, knowledge of nutritional importance, and overall health and wellness.  I oversee the Be Active program, in which I engage in physical activities with the residents, including rock climbing, YMCA, bike rides, and other fun events. I also work one-on-one with the residents to teach them about the importance of nutrition, food budgeting, and more. 

 One great moment that I had was when I took a group of residents to go indoor rock climbing. After taking a brief class on proper climbing techniques and how to be a “belayer” (person who holds the rope while the partner climbs), we partnered up and began climbing.  My climbing partner, which was one of my residents, was a little hesitant to climb at first, only going a few feet on the wall. I think it was more out of fear that I was going to let go of the rope.  He stopped climbing, came back down, and we talked about trusting each other and making sure that the other person was safe and comfortable. I told him that I trusted him and he told me that he trusted me as well.  After that brief talk, there was a new found confidence in both of us, and we both were able to climb up the entirety of the wall.  This had a huge impact on both of us, as it allowed us to prove our trust in each other, and develop a connection.   We both had a huge change in our attitudes and we were able to conquer our fears and challenge each other. 

More about AIHTI: 

The goal of AmeriCorps Improving Health Throughout Indiana (AIHTI) is to help eliminate health disparities across Indiana through the promotion of proper nutrition and physical activity.  AIHTI pairs local non-profit organizations that desire help creating or improving healthy-weight programs with AmeriCorps Members who are interested in gaining health promotion experience while serving their community.

 More about Stepping Stones, Inc.:  

Part of the mission of Stepping Stones, Inc. is "To provide a supportive community where young people experiencing homelessness can develop skills to live independently."  (from their website.)

More information:

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