Monday, January 30, 2012

Public Allies Indianapolis - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

Over the next couple of weeks, Indiana AmeriCorps will be featuring stories about some of the events that took place in our AmeriCorps programs surrounding the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service.  The first of these is from Public Allies Indianapolis and their MLK Day project centered on Waddie Welcome and his story of inclusion. 

Public Allies Indianapolis

The Day of Service Project provided a venue for community members to come together to hear a story of inclusion, reflect on its meaning, and discuss how they might live out Dr. King’s vision of a beloved community. 

Community members attended a three part program in the afternoon. Participants in recent Race Relations Dialogue-to-Change Circles shared their reflections and action steps.

All attendees listened to a dramatic reading of the story of Waddie Welcome and the Beloved Community. Born on the 4th of July, 1914 in Savannah, GA with a disability and placed in a nursing home far from his community, Waddie Welcome was an unlikely public figure. His deep desire for freedom drew many friends into his life in ways that not only liberated him from institutionalization but realized Dr King’s vision of the Beloved Community. Waddie Welcome and the Beloved Community tells the story of friendships that transcended divisions of disability, race, and income & created powerful new possibilities in a whole community. (from the Waddie Welcome website

Monica Davis – Public Ally & LeaderCorps Member had this to say:

“What an exciting day!”  That was what I was thinking as I emerged from my vehicle, and walked up to the building where we had our service activities. Since I am an AmeriCorps Public Ally, I happily accepted my duties of providing service to the local community on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, in January of 2012. I am also a part of the Indiana AmeriCorps LeaderCorps program and it was even more awesome when a fellow LeaderCorps member joined me for the project.   At first, we spent our day by canvassing and sharing information about the Mid-North side of Indianapolis Quality of Life Plan.  I was able to speak directly with residents and community members about this strategy for making their neighborhood an even better place to live.  

After canvassing, we came back together for a luncheon where we were able to relax and connect with each other.  Then, we headed over to a discussion and reading of the book, “Waddie Welcome,” with more local neighbors.  First we started off with a story of Waddie Welcome, who was a community member who fought for freedom and understanding. The story was a great example of how to be inclusive of all people.   The community around him was so supportive, and mirrored Dr. King’s dream of the “Beloved Community,” which he referred to often in his speeches.  After listening to the reading of the story, we formed small discussion groups in order to discover exactly how it related to Dr. King’s dream. The day was very productive, as we learned new ways to include others.  That is what is so great about AmeriCorps - providing service to all of humanity is what it is really about!

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